Marshall and Elaine..have both recently joined Ireland’s Destiny Hub of Ignite Ireland Ministry here in Northern Ireland,..Marshall has come aboard as a Prophet not just to this land but as a Prophetic Voice to the Nations,..Marshall carries a powerful Prophetic Anointing upon his life which carries Power and Authority,..he has a proven track record of accuracy…and the Prophetic Grace upon his life flows with revelatory precision and seasoned Wisdom and Understanding,..Marshall walks in both the Maturity and humility in the Prophetic Office…and he has a heart to see lives and Nations changed,..restored and Reformed to the Glory of God. Marshall is also a gifted Teacher in the Prophetic Ministry,..which is demonstrated not just in what he teaches but in how the Word is worked out in his own life,..Marshall does not just talk the talk but he walks the talk,..we are truly honoured to have him partnering with us as we build,..establish and advance Gods Kingdom purposes in this Nation..


…We are equally honoured to have Elaine on board our Ministry Team,..Elaine also carries a powerful Gift of Prophesy,..she operates strongly in the Gift of Words of Knowledge,..Words of Wisdom and the Discerning of Spirits,…Elaine has a heart for the broken and the wounded in Body,..Soul and Spirit,…and the Grace that flows upon Elaine’s life is both Restorative and Transformative,..she moves and operates powerfully in the Compassion of Christ for the Working of Miracles,..and Healing. Deliverance Ministry is where we see Elaine thrive and come alive,…the Spirit of Wisdom,..Counsel and Knowledge is evident when she ministers to the Body of Christ…we are truly honoured to have Elaine partnering with us as we trust God to Bind up the broken hearted and to set the captives free in this Nation.


Rev. Jan-Aage Torp,President of European Apostolic Leaders (EAL), Oslo,Norway

I have gradually gotten to know Marshall Cross since our first casual chat in 2012, and I have come to understand that there is a divine call and anointing on his life.

But like Apostle Paul of Tarsus 2000 years ago, a true servant of God must go through testings and trials << Acts of the Apostles>> implies.

After more than ten years of walking together, i am seeing the evidence of maturity and perspectives that are needed for a ministry that is destined to impact individuals, families, cities and nations.

I proudly recommend Marshall Cross & his dear wife Elaine.

Rev. Karen-lynn Ballantyne

It is a privilege for me to endorse Marshall, who is a dear friend and to be perfectly honest, a hero of the faith.

He has blazed an incredible trail over many years to show people today that the miraculous stories of the New Testament not only live on, but can still transform both individual lives and ministries.

Miracles and Divine Healing reveal God's heart of agape love.

Marshall ministers from a solid biblical foundation, in both of these areas where he is mightily gifted, together with the Prophetic Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

He has a passion to train believers up to engage in authentic prophetic ministry both effectively and confidently. He has long shown that he has all of the very necessary credentials in order to do this and to do it to the highest of standards.

I met Marshall for the very first time almost 30 years ago now (as of 2023).

Our initial introduction took place within a vibrant Holy Spirit-filled church setting, in early 1995.

The backdrop to our meeting up and immediate Godly connection was that it happened during a powerful "Times of Refreshing" and the corresponding anointing.

It lasted for two full years during the Rodney Howard-Browne and Toronto Blessing, days (N.B. Prophets can often recognise each other spiritually, on sight).

During that time, Jesus Christ was very obviously setting countless captives free in public yet also in profoundly personal ways too, hence it brought great encouragement and edification to the Body of Christ.

The incredible supernatural manifestations Marshall and I both witnessed back then, were real and very powerful. That time left a lasting impression about the power of the Holy Spirit, upon both of our lives.

God's anointing was also flowing powerfully through the young Marshall. Though still a teenager in the 90s, Marshall was a disciple of Jesus Christ, who truly believed that the operation of Christ's spiritual gifts, did not end with the first century church.

On the contrary, he believed as I did and do, that together with God's Word, rivers of the prophetic revelatory Gifts - such as the Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Prophecy and the Discerning of Spirits - lead to Divine Healings and Miraculous events taking place.

They did back then and they certainly do today!

I could clearly see that in the spiritual realm the call of a powerful Prophet of God was already upon Marshall's life from age 14 ( it comes in the womb acc to Jeremiah ).

Fast forward to 2023, after decades of targeted enemy attacks; being thrust into the fiery furnace repeatedly - that only true Prophets today understand and are shaped by - Marshall is not only still standing but he is standing stronger than ever before, through the power of God that rests mightily upon his life.

God's call never changed after Marshall initially answered it but what did change is the greatly increased level of God's anointing, that I see upon his life today.

The Office (spiritual governance) of God's Prophet, especially to the Nations, is indeed weighty...that is why a true Prophet MUST be both called and ordained, not by any man nor any woman, but only by the Lord God, Himself.

He alone decides whom He calls. Whom He calls, HE equips. The enemy hates God's Prophets, so the spiritual warfare that at times may seem strange or even exaggerated to others who do not operate in prophetic ministry, is very real. It costs a great deal to be used by the Lord in this way. Many things have to be laid down at the Lord's feet by God's Prophets. Prophetic ministry is most definitely not about building any platform for the elevation of self but rather, it is the exact opposite. Christ increases as we decrease.

I know that Marshall has personally paid a very high price to both walk out his calling and to be where he is today. In spite of that and through it all, He has faithfully answered God's call as a Prophet to the Nations, for such a time as this.

It has certainly been a real pleasure to have known Marshall since his youth and to witness the outworking of the man of God that he is today.

I cant finish without stressing that Marshall is probably the least "religious" type of person I know. Hallelujah! He is extremely kind and gracious. He is extremely funny too.

For those who don’t yet know Marshall, he is everything that I’ve written above plus...

a hilarious comedian and probably King of the One-liners!

Yes...Prophets do have a sense of humour too!

I have come to know Elaine over these last few years as both a precious sister in Christ and as a close friend. She is a highly gifted and very capable administrator, counsellor, encourager and powerful prayer warrior.

Elaine flows easily in the Holy Spirit Gifts of:

Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge and Discerning of Spirits as well as in Prophecy. She faithfully uses her vast array of talents for God's glory.

Alongside Marshall in ministry, Elaine is servant-hearted and dedicated to bringing Christ's living hope and healing help to all who need it. Elaine is a beautiful example of a mother's heart that shows no language barrier.

She is truly devoted to both her husband and her beautiful children. May the Lord continue to use Marshall and Elaine mightily in His service.

Rev. Karen-lynn Ballantyne Prophet / Pastor / Teacher Goshen Gospel Ministries Uk

Pastor Billy McCammon - The Vine Fellowship

Marshall and Elaine are part of our church ( The Vine Fellowship) Marshall is not only an Elder but ministers in the roll of the Prophet not just in our own fellowship but in outreach and teaching appointments in other meetings of Cross Ministries.

Elaine also moves in the Gift of Prophecy and of Words of Knowledge, Elaine has a heart for the broken and can give words of hope and assurance to the hurting through the Holy Spirit.

William McCammon The Vine Fellowship, Freedom Life Centre, Camlough, Newry.

Cheryl Thomas

I have known Apostle Marshall Cross for several years now. He teaches & preaches with great authority and is a man of God, demolishing strongholds - while opening realms of heaven. His prophetic words activate gifts, callings & mantles to see the body of Christ fulfil their God-designed destinies! I have great respect for this man of God ! My life is forever marked from the times he has accurately prophesied over my life.

Founder & TV Show Host of God Encounters Worship Leader / Music Artist


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